SearchableCollection API Documentation

In General SearchableCollection attempts to mimic the functionality of a list exactly

that means you can do indexing like my_list[0], my_list[-1]

and you can also do slicing like my_list[5:15:3]

and you can do standard list setitems like my_list[6] = SomeClass()

you can also use the normal x in my_list operator

Available Methods

classmethod SearchableCollection.find_one_where(**query_conditions)
Parameters:query_conditions (SEE: QUERY ARGUMENTS) – keyword pairs that describe the current search criteria
Returns:A single match from the collection (the first match found), or None if no match is found

search the collection and return the first item that matches our search criteria

classmethod SearchableCollection.find_all_where(**query_conditions)
Parameters:query_conditions (SEE: QUERY ARGUMENTS) – keyword pairs that describe the current search criteria
Returns:all of the matches from the collection
Return type:generator

this will search the collection for any items matching the provided criteria

for result in my_collection.find_all_where(condition1=3, condition2=4):
classmethod SearchableCollection.delete_where(**query_conditions)
Parameters:query_conditions (SEE: QUERY ARGUMENTS) – keyword pairs that describe the current search criteria

Deletes any items in the collection that match the given search criteria

my_collection.delete_where(sn__startswith="AB") # delete all things that have a sn attribute starting with "AB"